Planetary Broadcast No.1 - Bulletin 14Aug2011 - Return of Michael - Two Clarifications 15Aug and 17Aug 2011 -, Bel Air, MD

    Three Documents
    Excerpt from a Universe Broadcast
    Michael’s Return
    August 14, 2011, 23:30 EDST USA
    2)CLARIFICATION of the Bulletin dated 14 August 2011
Date: August 15, 2011 13:30 EDST USA
Manotia, Supreme Seraphim

    3)Clarification Number 2 of the Bulleting dated 14 August 2011
Date: August 17, 2011
Kuwaya, Master Spirit Number Two, Voice of the Eternal Son

The announcement is also cross filed under Luminerion and dated 14 August 2011


August 14, 23:30 Urantia Eastern Daylight Time
Universe Broadcast from Salvington

Luminerion speaks:

Take this message to heart, It contains the redemption of Urantia in its import.  Your world is soon to receive Michael of Nebadon in a new form of incarnation never used before on an inhabited world.

Sonarington is the habitation of Michael of Nebadon today.  He has entered the sleep of transition to be able to visit Urantia as a former male of the realm known as Jesus.

We now commend all who hear this message to pray that He, the one you know of as Jesus the Christ, shall soon be among you in the flesh.

I am Luminerion, Chief Of Planetary Seraphic Services.

I am a Primary Supernaphim who has been allowed access to your minds for the purpose of sending these messages directly to those commissioned to use the universe reflectivity services.  I know whereof I speak when I say that no other personal message could make such a difference to so many.  We trust you will take the Michael Message below as the final act of a Creator Son who so dearly loves the world of Urantia that he willingly undergoes yet a second transition into the flesh.

In all Salvington, only the Divine Minister and Immanuel knew that this was taking place, and the Union of Days shared Michael’s plans and this prerecorded broadcast secretly with the chief executive of the universe, Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star.

The broadcast will be unified in spiritual currents and the messages from the Creator Son will all be heard through the archangel circuit and by the Urantia Planetary Broadcasts soon to appear. The two edge sword of truth will soon visit and your sphere and Urantia will be reclaimed by the Father’s Love in Truth Justice and Mercy.

We now play back the announcement from your local universe headquarter world, Michael’s parting words to those who received his message several short years ago as you reckon time.  It was necessary for Michael to delay this message until he was well prepared to enter the sleep of transition to once again appear on your world as the Jesus of your Bible and of your heart and joy of discernment.

From Michael, Broadcast April 25, 2007 -  Departing on the sea of glass on Salvington:
“I leave you but for a short season. Many of you, I know, would go with me, but whither I go you cannot come. That which I am about to do, you cannot do. I go to do the will of the Paradise Deities, and when I have finished my mission and have fulfilled my promise to return, I will return to my place among you.”

From Manotia, Supreme Seraphim and Second in Command serving with Luminerion:

Stating this noble and true fact, especially in conjunction with the Magisterial Son’s plans to incarnate, points to a time of unparalleled glory for the world of Urantia.

All those receiving and partaking of this information may equate the magnitude of it all, but surely the divinity, the grandeur, the all inspiring time that is about to transpire on Urantia will forever be etched in the annals of history in Nebadon’s and Urantia’s history books.

End of Message Received

CLARIFICATION Number 1 of the Bulletin dated 14 August 2011
Date: August 15, 2011 13:30 EDST USA
Manotia, Supreme Seraphim

There can always be speculation in regards to our Creator Fathers plans. It can be a precarious and difficult thing for evolutionary children of time to speculate in regards to the universal celestial administration now being brought to light and revealed on Urantia through the implemented reflectivity.

The planetary broadcast Urantia received was a broadcast of celestial information through the spiritual channels and implementation that is now in place which is new to Urantia. This information that was broadcast was the first in Urantia’s history to be heard through the aforementioned channels. The message encompassed Michael’s intention of returning to Urantia. The message which was initially broadcast from the superuniverse and Paradise-Havona broadcasting station and was received on Jerusem in liaison with Salvington by a technique involving the polar crystal, the sea of glass. This in turn was broadcast through the Jerusem sending station which is located at the opposite pole of the sphere. It was Luminerion acting in liaison with the archangel circuit to Urantia who distributed it to an approved reflectivator.

Reflectivators have been admonished many times to meditate and process with their Thought Adjusters intimately on the sensitivity and grandeur of the information that has been entrusted to the mortals in the special reserve corps of destiny using reflectivity.

It is always easy to speculate with the human mind from a personality standpoint to try and assimilate and process revealed celestial information, especially that which is revelatory to mortal mind. Mortal mind through imagining utilizing human intellect and personality speculation in regards to revelation can cause confusion or questionings which can only serve to impede your divine understanding which will be afforded to you through your Adjuster’s leading.

Allow everything to come to light appropriately through the Father's guidance. Learned that even though personality may be eager in anticipation in regards to much it desires to know, spirit many times will bear witness with your spirit that you cannot rush these things. There is a proscribed order or things in the universes of creation, for in due season you will reap divine understanding if you do not give out to distresses, doubt and wanderings of mind.

All must prove to be patient in this grand undertaking. Understand and allow the Father's guidance and reason to guide and guard your thinking. Michael’s return has been two-thousand years in the making, and in assimilating this, know that the Father will never give more information than human mind can handle or understand.

You were provided a dispatch message from the Creator Son, our Creator Father Master Michael. It is utterly futile to speculate when this will actually transpire on your sphere, at least as you know time. For even as your prophet of old spoke, and was correct in the statement; “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, not even the Son, but the Father only.”

If the entire order of universe celestial personalities and angels of heaven know not the intimate details of the plans of our creator Father, it is highly unlikely that humans of a human evolutionary origin would know much more than we beings of a higher order of personality.

Two thousand years ago John of Patmos received revelation in regards to many weighty and glorious events that concern your planet and the mortals therein. Daniel also saw and received revelation in regards to the time that you are living in.

Even these great prophets of old did not understand the information they received when they received it.

Daniel spoke after he received information from the Archangels:

"I heard what he said, but I did not understand what he meant. So I asked, "How will all this finally end, my lord?"

He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand."

We fully understand the impact the information Michael broadcast is having in your mortal minds. The information received was to restate his intention and was simply stated by our Creator Father.  Said Michael:

    “I leave you but for a short season. Many of you, I know, would go with me, but whither I go you cannot come. That which I am about to do, you cannot do. I go to do the will of the Paradise Deities, and when I have finished my mission and have fulfilled my promise to return, I will return to my place among you.”

There can be many speculations on this simple message, but it stands firm in its simplicity.

Know that all things will be revealed in time, and that you will not be given any more at any given moment than which you can handle. Patience, patience and more patience children of Urantia in Michael’s service, take heed and remember to not rush the divine spirit at work, for spirit understands the vicissitudes and conjecture of human mind.

There will be much more information forthcoming in proscribed order in regards to the plans of the Magisterial Son, and Michael. The broadcasts will clarify upcoming questions and clarify the information in due time.  Do not give way to conspiracy or speculation, for we along side of you are eagerly waiting for things to be revealed.


-Approved by Luminerion

Clarification Number 2 of 14 August 2011, Bulletin

Received August 17, 2011
Reflectivity Reception in Belgium and translated from the French into English
From Master Spirit Number Two, Kuwaya, The Voice of The Eternal Son
Released August 18, 2011, 16:50 EDST USA


    Regarding the Celestial Broadcast August 14, 2011
    about Christ Michael and His Return to Urantia

Master Spirit Number 2, The Voice of the Eternal Son

KUWAYA: Hello my little one.  I am KUWAYA who speaks.

We are putting many things in place to allow everyone to receive the Planetary Broadcasts from the Local Universe and the Superuniverse. We did tests on your reception and your reaction to them recently.  The broadcast announcing Michael’s return was transmitted some time ago to test your receptivity.  It will yet be some time before you will receive the celestial broadcasts of current events - the things that are happening now.

We remind you that when you or other Relfectivators receive broadcasts that no one should change any of the messages. After receiving broadcasts, and to understand them, go into stillness and ask your Inner Voice for clarification. You cannot understand these celestial broadcasts with your human mind or your human intellect the way you look at a television program on your planet.

These incoming celestial messages issued by and through the celestial circuitry have quite different meanings.  They are much more profound than what your human mind and intellect can grasp upon first or even second reading. Therefore, to understand and know exactly how you need to address what has been said,  enter into your quiet time and seek clarification.  Do this not once, but several times until you understand and feel the significance of what has been said.

If you are French and only speak French, you still are able to watch Chinese TV,  and you can see some images, but you will not understand exactly what was said because you can not speak Chinese. You form  assumptions based on an  inexact understanding, and therefore will your analysis always be biased by your misunderstandings. To truly understand what you thought you saw in pictures, you also need a translator who can translate the narrative in Chinese into French. Everyone will have the same problem as well when receiving the Planetary Broadcasts. You must rely upon your interpreter which is your Inner Voice, your God Fragment, which will attempt to translate what has been said in the celestial messages into a language of your human understanding.

That’s why we made the test with the broadcast from Luminerion who sent you the older broadcast concerning the decision that Christ Michael issued long ago [Urantia time: April 25, 2007] to come back a second time to Urantia. We have seen your reactions, and we have seen that you are not yet ready, and able to handle this kind of information. [Editor’s Note: The “you” refers only to the reflectivator]

You  little understand the message’s importance.  Therefore, we ask you to work with us in the following manner when it comes to these broadcasts: Disseminate the messages that pass through you, or to other transmitters or Reflectivators, and do not  add any comments to them.  Tell people that with this information in hand they must go into meditation to seek clarification.  Otherwise it will be misunderstood.  Do not interpret anything for others to read or hear. Reflect our broadcasts exactly as received.

Because behind each word that is emitted by the broadcast system there is a book of understanding you do not have, but that the celestials do understand who already have that book of understanding in them. So you need a translator and an interpreter, which is your God Fragment, to explain exactly what is said behind the words of these broadcasts. Don’t make the mistake you all do for millennia, and that is to always think that what a prophet says or someone else you respect  tells you,  that this will happen in your time period or your lifetime.  There are things which are revealed now but that will only be valid and important for the people who will live in one, two, three or four thousand Earth years. We have our reasons to do that, so keep this in mind.

Before we will actually put you on the circuit of the celestial broadcast we still have to do more tests to see if you and others are ready and that you will have the right attitude that we ask you to achieve through stillness and meditation with your Inner Guide. When we see that a proper attitude and approach to this information is at work,  we can slowly connect you to the current events of the celestial broadcasts. We know from experience that we must be very careful with the human mind and the human intellect. This is why when we provide revelation it is in small pieces and each time when you have digested these small pieces, then we watch to see how you digest it and time another small spoonful to feed you when it is appropriate.  Have the patience to accept that things with revelation are done this way.

I speak to everybody,  and this can be put in bold in the text.  I am Kuwaya, Master Spirit Number Two, Voice of the Eternal Son.